Let's make your ideas come to life!

Custom Designs for Everyone

Where you can express your own visions


Thank you for wanting to know about me

So Why Broken Barrier Designs? Well, I have broken many barriers that most wouldn't. I am a disabled Army veteran who also happens to be deaf. I am more than that! I am a wife and mother, a volunteer for a veteran led disaster relief organization, I am Wildland Fire and Sawyer qualified (both after becoming deaf). I have several years as a volunteer for Fire, Dive, Search and Rescue, and Victims Advocate. Cancer and Rare Disease Warrior. I would be none of these things without God, and the support from my family and my friends none of which has ever left my side. They have each pushed me, believed in me, it hasn't always been an easy journey but everything and everyone has led me to who I am today. I will forever be grateful to each of you.